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Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
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Solving Quadratic Equations
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Systems of Equations in Two Variables
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Solving Systems of Linear Equations
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Author Message


Registered: 18.12.2004
From: Marysville, Michigan

Posted: Friday 29th of Dec 19:04    

Holla guys and gals! Recently I hired a private tutor to guide me with some topics in math . My problem areas included topics such as understanding conics and function domain. Now that teacher turned out to be such a waste, that instead of helping me now I’m even more confused than I earlier was . I still can’t crack problems on those topics. And the exam time is nearing. I need someone to help me out. Is there anything in particular that can be done to get some sort of help? I have a fairly large set of questions to help me learn these topics, but the problem is I just can’t solve them, no matter how much I try . Please help!
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Registered: 25.10.2006
From: Siberia, Russian Federation

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 13:23    

Don’t sound so dismayed. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. When I was a student, we didn’t have much of a hope in such a situation , but these days thanks to Algebrator my son is doing wonderfully well in his math classes. He used to face problems in topics such as understanding conics and rational inequalities but all his questions were answered by this one easy to use tool known as Algebrator. Try it and I’m sure you’ll have a good day tomorrow .
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Registered: 03.07.2001

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 08:28    

Even I’ve been through times when I was trying to figure out a solution to certain type of questions pertaining to graphing function and x-intercept. But then I came across this piece of software and I felt as if I found a magic wand. In the blink of an eye it would solve even the most difficult questions for you. And the fact that it gives a detailed step-by-step explanation makes it even more useful . It’s a must buy for every math student.
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Registered: 27.09.2001
From: Germany

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 11:34    

I would suggest trying out Algebrator. It not only assists you with your math problems, but also provides all the necessary steps in detail so that you can enhance the understanding of the subject.
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